Kabbalah: Hermetics
Hermetics Consciousness & Hyperperceptivity
This is an investigation into Hermetic philosophy and magic.
The study of Hermetics investigates human
interaction with the self and the external environment within
psychology, philosophy and religion.
Practical Hermetics research tests those theories and then makes changes in the universe.
Hermetics also explores how perception can alter the communication patterns between the microcosm and the macrocosm. This study also examines both the conscious and unconscious processes of the human mind.
The main concept of Hermetics
The written attributed to both Hermes-Thoth fall into two categories:
- practice: popular Hermetics deals with astrology and occult sciences
- theory: learned Hermetic focuses on theology and philosophy
The development of learned Hermetism was in
high regard during the early Roman empire. In the Hellenistic period,
Hermetics was ascribed to Hermes and later treatises on medicine,
alchemy and magic were added.
In Hermetics, All of the forces which emanate through the universe are interdependent.
The microcosm (one self) and the macrocosm
(everything around us) share properties between each other. The internal
environment is a reflection of the external environment.
Hermetics states that all of the forces of
the universe can be categorized into four basic principles called
Elements. The four elements are fire, air, water and earth. Manipulating
the elements became alchemy and then today's chemistry.
According to Hermetics, all things were
divided into three Kingdoms (Greek "thrice" means three): the animal,
vegetable and mineral kingdoms.
The 3 kingdoms also correspond to the physical, astral
and mental worlds. Within the mental world, the three kingdoms in
psychology are the conative (thinking), affective (emotions) and
cognative (processing) processes of the consciousness.
The Study of Hermetics today
"Hermetics" is the name of the first of two manuscripts
I developed during a college independent study sponsored by the
departments of Anthropology, Journalism, Judaic Studies, Psychology and
Sociology in 1976 and 1977 in Arizona.
All interpretation should be understood symbolically and subjectively for its meaning to be absorbed. What follows, is a symbolic interpretation of the forces which form the foundation of the Kabbalah occult or mystic sciences.
Table of Contents
Tarot; the Magician Arcanum
Figures of the Card of the Initiate
Hermes Trismegistus
Thoth (Tehuti)
Thoth as the Ibis and Heart
Thoth, the moon god
Thoth as the Logos
Nabu , Nebo
Ea , Enki 62
Chokmah as Wisdom
Chokmah as Chiah (Will)
Chokman as the Principium
Chokmah as the Logos
The Emanation of Chokmah
The Tree of Life
of the SPIRITS
A Hymn of the Thought-gods
A Theory...
Collective Unconscious
Qabalistic Unconscious
Mythological Yesod
Magical Evocation
Evocation of Imagery
Electrical Stimulation of the Brain
Eidetic Imagery
Characteristics of Eidetic Imagery
Hypnagogic Imagery
Hypnopomic Imagery
The Dream Environment
Lucid Dreaming
Astral Projection
States of Consciousness
Conscious Experience
Conscious Response
Conscious Stimulus
Dual Consciousness
Two Modes of Consciousness
Conscious Potential
Habituation Patterns
Autonomic Nervous System
Nerve-Force (Seven Chakrahs).
Pineal Gland
Internal Sef-Regulation
Esoteric Internal Self-Regulation
Respiration Conditioning
Sensory Withdrawl
Internal Meditation
Peak Experience
The Human Aura
Di-Electric Emissions
For more information, email: Robert Zucker
See wikipedia on Hermetics\ism
© 2006-2010 Entertainment Magazine On Line. All rights reserved.
Contents cannot be copied, reproduced or distributed without
permission from the author. This original content is property of Robert Zucker
Hermetica Book Recommendations
These are among some of the best books on
Hermetics in my library, now available through Amazon.com. When you
click on any link or image, follow through for more books in related
Hermetic and Kabbalah topics.
Kabbalah and Astral Projection Books by Author Robert E. Zucker
Download free Sample PDFs of two books recently published. Purchase full copies on Amazon.com.
Kabbalah's Secret Circles
reveals the hundreds of legends and complete history of the Kabbalah,
Jewish Mysticism,the golem, and instructions to create the Kabbalah
Wheel, a unique way to rotate the 231 Gates from the Sefer Yetzirah,
Book of Creation. Download a free PDF sample.
Purchase "Kabbalah's Secret Circles" by PayPal/Credit Card and get personalized autographed copy from the author:

"Twilight of Consciousness:
Explore your Dreams with Astral Projection" provides practical
techniques and methods to achieve lucid dreaming and astral projection
experiences. Download a free sample PDF.
"Golden Dawn"
Israel Regardie
807 pages. Llewellyn Publications; 6th
edition (September 1, 2002) These Twelve Signs are distributed among the
Four Triplicities, or sets of three Signs, each being attributed to one
of the Four Elements, and they represent the operation of the elements
in the Zodiac. Read about the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
"The Secret Teachings of All Ages"
Manly Palmer Hall
In 1928, a 20-something Renaissance man
named Manly Hall self-published a vast encyclopedia of the occult,
believing that "modern" ideas of progress and materialism were
displacing more important and ancient modes of knowledge. Hall's text
has become a classic reference, dizzying in its breadth: various
chapters explore Rosicrucianism, Kabbalah, alchemy, cryptology, Tarot,
pyramids, the Zodiac, Pythagorean philosophy, Ma index.html sonry and gemology, among other topics. Includes a 16-page color insert.
"Meditation and Kabbalah"
Author: Aryeh Kaplan
368 pages. Meditative methods of
Kabbalah. A lucid presentation of the meditative methods, mantras,
mandalas and other devices used, as well as a penetrating interpretation
of their significance in the light of contemporary meditative research.
Jason Aronson; 1st Jason Aronson Inc. Ed edition (November 28, 1994).
More Kabbalah books.
"Initiation into Hermetics"
Author: Franz Bardon
356 pages. Book Description: Initiation
into Hermetics provides step by step instruction in the form of
practical exercises. These exercises lead to the development of body,
soul and spirit. The result of the practical exercises is the
development of occult abilities which can be of benefit to the student,
in as far as he can change his existence for the better.
"Ecstatic Kabbalah"
Author: David A. Cooper
(Bob's note: "I just got this book with a meditative CD using Abulafia's techniques).
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