Kabbalah: Hermetics: Hermes Trismegistus
The Wisdom of Hermes "Thrice Great"
Hermes Trismegistus or "Thrice Great Hermes" was the symbol of the Neo-Platonic philosophy of Hermetics.
Hermes was also called Ter Maximus, having perfect knowledge of all things in the world.
Hermes may have been adopted from the Egyptian equivalent of Thoth (Tehuti), the god of wisdom and magic.
Hermes Trismegistus is credited with having written 20,000 books by the authority of Selecucus, according to Iamblicus.
The workings include treatises on magic, Jewish Qabalah, astrology and alchemy. The collection of works were called Hermetics or Hermetica.
How did Hermetics originate?
Hermetic writings date from the Roman period
in Egypt. But, they are not Egyptian. The Greeks adopted the Egyptian
ideas of Thoth, included some Judaic sources, to create their
Between the second through fourth centuries, growing Christian philosophies influenced later Hermetic texts.
The theological writing of Hermes
Trismegistus is collected in 17 treatises of the Corpus Hermeticum,
dated during the first three centuries AD. Fragments of Hermetic
writings were found in a Latin translation of the Asclepius, preserved
among the works of Apuleus. Although the philosophy was basically
Egyptian and Judaic, the language was in Greek.
From the Renaissance period until the end of the 19th century little attention was given to popular Hermetics.
Hermetic magic re-emerged in Western Europe
when the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was founded in 1888. In the
late 20th century, authors like Franz Bardon popularized Hermetics with
his series that included the practical magic handbook "Initiation into
Who is Hermes?
Hermes is the Greek messenger of the gods.
He is the god of science, the arts and life. Hermes Trismegistus, the
author of Hermetic literature, was also called the Deion of Phocis in
Greek and Roman myths. The Romans called him Mercury.
As least as early as Herodotus, the Greek
identified the Egyptian god Thoth with the Greek Hermes. By the third
century BC, this connection was inscribed on the Rosetta Stone (196
BCE). "Hermes "the great, the great" was written. At the time, the
epitaph of Hermes Trismegistus was rarely found outside of Hermetic
Later, there were frequent mentions of Hermes Trismegistus in medieval and Renaissance literature.
Hermes is also the god of herds, being a
fertility god. He is the guardian of travellers (as psychopompos) as
well as the conductor of the dead to the underworld.
Hermes means hastener, interpreter or
mediator. He is the symbolic messenger. In his role as a fertility god,
Hermes was displayed as a phallic herm to increase the animal kingdom.
Hermes also presides as a deity of wealth,
patron of athletes, god of trade, commerce, manual skill, oratory and
eloquence of the wind (with whose speed he was able to move).
He was also the god of thieves and trickery. In the Roman period, Hermes was worshipped as the revealer of Divine Wisdom.
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Contents cannot be copied, reproduced or distributed without
permission from the author. This original content is property of Robert Zucker
Hermetica Book Recommendations
These are among some of the Hermetic books
in my library, now available through Amazon.com. When you click on any
link or image, follow through for more books in related topics.
Kabbalah and Astral Projection Books by Author Robert E. Zucker
Download free Sample PDFs of two books recently published. Purchase full copies on Amazon.com.
Kabbalah's Secret Circles
reveals the hundreds of legends and complete history of the Kabbalah,
Jewish Mysticism,the golem, and instructions to create the Kabbalah
Wheel, a unique way to rotate the 231 Gates from the Sefer Yetzirah,
Book of Creation. Download a free PDF sample.
Purchase "Kabbalah's Secret Circles" by PayPal/Credit Card and get personalized autographed copy from the author:

"Twilight of Consciousness:
Explore your Dreams with Astral Projection" provides practical
techniques and methods to achieve lucid dreaming and astral projection
experiences. Download a free sample PDF.
"Initiation into Hermetics"
Author: Franz Bardon
Initiation into Hermetics provides step
by step instruction in the form of practical magical exercises. These
exercises lead to the development of body, soul and spirit. The result
of the practical exercises is the development of occult abilities which
can be of benefit to the student, in as far as he can change his
existence for the better. 356 pages.
"The Secret Teachings of All Ages"
Manly Palmer Hall
In 1928, a 20-something Renaissance man
named Manly Hall self-published a vast encyclopedia of the occult,
believing that "modern" ideas of progress and materialism were
displacing more important and ancient modes of knowledge. Hall's text
has become a classic reference, dizzying in its breadth: various
chapters explore Rosicrucianism, Kabbalah, alchemy, cryptology, Tarot,
pyramids, the Zodiac, Pythagorean philosophy, Ma index.html sonry and gemology, among other topics. Includes a 16-page color insert.
"Meditation and Kabbalah"
Author: Aryeh Kaplan
368 pages. Meditative methods of
Kabbalah. A lucid presentation of the meditative methods, mantras,
mandalas and other devices used, as well as a penetrating interpretation
of their significance in the light of contemporary meditative research.
Jason Aronson; 1st Jason Aronson Inc. Ed edition (November 28, 1994).
More Kabbalah books.
"Golden Dawn"
Israel Regardie
These Twelve Signs are distributed
among the Four Triplicities, or sets of three Signs, each being
attributed to one of the Four Elements, and they represent the operation
of the elements in the Zodiac. 807 pages. Llewellyn Publications; 6th
edition (September 1, 2002)
"Ecstatic Kabbalah"
Author: David A. Cooper
(Bob's note: "I just got this book with a meditative CD using Abulafia's techniques).
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