Hermetics: Consciousness & HyperperceptivitySYMBOLISMI A symbol is an image that represents something. Symbols serve in the absence of an object, manifestation or an idea. Sometimes, symbols are the actual forms they represent. The human mind can relate, although only in partial terms, by symbols. Before humans could write words, they used symbols. They drew symbols on cave walls. Symbols often possess a specific, deeper, meaning in addition to their conventional and obvious meaning. When the obvious meaning of a symbol is understood by the masses, it is called exoteric. When a deeper, more complex, meaning of a symbol is known only to a few, it is called esoteric. Many ancient symbols are esoteric, but are only understood today exoterically. A word can be a symbol. When it implies something more than its obvious and immediate meaning, it has a wider "unconscious" aspect that is never defined or fully explained. This occult, or hidden meaning, is comprehended through insight and intuition. The hidden meaning can also be passed down from teacher to student. Other hidden meanings of exoteric words are published in books. But, those definitions often lack the esoteric knowledge. A symbol is also a conscious, subconscious or unconscious projection device that used to produce a specific reponse in the mind. Symbolism has been used through history to describe forces which operate through the universe. In occultism, magic symbols represent forces within the universe and within oneself. A symbol holds a microcosmic (internal, subjective, personal) as well as a macrocosmic (collective, objective, social) interpretation. The Qabalah as a symbolAn ancient system of symbolic interpretation is the Judaic Qabalah. All of the forces of the universe are expressed through certain symbols which are also represetations of parts of the mind. The structural design of this set of symbols is found in the Tree of Life, a diagrammatic model of the consciousness and unconsciousness. The symbols used in Qabalah (also spelt as Kabalah, Kabbalah, Kaballah, etc), were developed centuries before the written word was a common tool for communication. Symbols as allegoryThe tarot is also another system of symbolic interpretations of defined universal constants. Understanding the concepts used in this ancient system are disguised in allegory. This is the heart of any esoteric system. Allegory is an expression by symbolic figures, actions and truths or generalizations about human or nonhuman conduct or experiences. It is a symbolic representation. Symbolism and allegory is vital in any occult or esoteric system. In mysticism and magical practices, there is a belief that certain ideas are not meant for the masses. So, theses ideas must be disguised in certain forms (or symbols). The meaning of the symbols could only be understood by those who know the construct of the symbol. Otherwise, they remain as abscure and incoherent images. A computer print out means nothing to a primitive native. The unintelligeble scribbling only means something to someone who understands the images. Symbols should been seen literally, but understood allegorically. "In order for science to study any force, 2006 Entertainment Magazine On Line. All rights reserved.
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