Sometimes, just before fully awakening in the morning, the strage feeling of finding awareness suspended somewhere between the waking state and the remnants of a dream may occur. The scenes and voices of the dream are still visualized. Consciousness is alert and aware that it is awake,.. but still dreaming! This is the hypnopompic period of consciousness. It appears as sleep disappears. Awareness of this "in-between period" is common for those who get the chance to drift in' and out of sleep, usually in the early morning hours, and still dream. Children seem to be able to accomplish this rather easily. By not interupting the stream of thought during the dream, it can be continued in a semi-aware light sleep. The hypnopomic is similar to the hypnogogic state, where both experiences occur as the mind passes in or out of sleep.
How well do you remember your last dream this morning? Next: 2006 Entertainment Magazine On Line. All rights reserved.
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