Living Inside of your dreamsDream Awareness, Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection"Twighlight of Consciousness; A Guide to Astral Proje The subjects of dreams, hermetics and cultural similarities were explored. Hundreds of pages were condensed from thousands of pages of notes. The University of Arizona department of Anthropology, Journalism, Judaic Studies, Psychology and Sociology provided sponsorship for three years to allow me to compile this massive information. Over the course of those years, I produced three manuscripts entitled, "Hermetics" (1976) and "The Magic of Your Mind" (1977). The full edition, with notes, was printed in 1981 and currently is out of print. A reprint is reprinted on this web site. Portions of the text are published here and new chapters are added continuously to the index on the right.
Astral project while you sleepEvery night while your body is asleep, your mind is making its way through a world of imagery and activity. Most of the time, we don't realize it while it's happening. This is called dreaming. Those rare times when we become awaken in the dream, we gain a brief insight into the environment around us. The realization that we're in a dream becomes a momentary, but profound experience. This is the astral world. Continuous prolonged awareness is known as astral projection– where you are Living inside your dreams. The twilight of consciousness is the period in between falling alseep and being awake. It is often during this phase that people report seeing imagery, sounds and hallucinations. Read more from "Twighlight of Consciousness; A Guide to Astral Projection. The Twilight of ConsciousnessThese are sample chapters from the new book on Astral Projection and Kabbalah called "Twighlight of Consciousness; A Guide to Astral Projection. Read selected chapters and download a free PDF of the book from our Astral Projection Book Store. 1. The Astral: Meeting the Dweller new content being updated soon
Kabbalah and Astral Projection Books by Author Robert E. ZuckerDownload free Sample PDFs of two books recently published. Purchase full copies on
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