The Qabbalah (also spelled as Kabbalah) is often equated with a diagram called the Tree of Life (see left image).
Tree of Life is a magical system, a numerical system and the design of
universe. The Tree of Life (called "Eretz Chaim" in Hebrew) is also a
model for the laws of physics.
of 10 spheres (sephiroth in Hebrew) and 22 paths, the Tree of Life
consolidates every force and form in each of the three dimensions:
space, time and the soul.
The traditional model of the Tree of Life uses symbols, or signs, as a frame of reference for the correspondences between each of the three dimensions.
10 Sephiroth represent the ten major cosmic forces that control the
universe. The 22 path correspond to the 22 letters of the Hebrew
alphabet and the Tarot trump cards of the Major Arcana. The Hebrew
letters attributed to each path is used as a pictorial glyph that
describes the function of the path, according to the unique shape of the
Today's English alphabet comes from the original Hebrew letters.
the Kabbalist. meditates on each sphere or path in space, the soul
comes into direct with its source. A connection is made between the
object in space and the specific part of the soul. "As above, so below."
the sensory processes (seeing, hearing, feeling...) are under control,
and stimulated in unison to create to experience of each part of the
Tree of Life, changes can be felt in ones soul and surroundings.
effect of the magic rite, or ceremony, is to create in the imagination,
in the senses, and in the consciousness a change in either space, time
or the soul. The Tree of Life provides the framework or map of
What is the best way to study the Tree of Life and learn about each of the sephiroth and paths?
Now, understand how the Qabalah has evolved over history.