The original "Sefer Yetzirah" is believed to have come from the "Oral Law" which the Lord gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai.
Moses was said to have received the Oral Law along with the Written Law, according to Jewish tradition.
In several manuscripts it is called "Otiyyot de-Avraham Avinu."
the "Sefer Yetzirah" possiblitility The attribution to R. Akiba appears
in the 13th century onward, derived from the late Midrash "Otiyyot
de-Rabbi Akiva." (Scholem, "Kabbalah," p. 28)
The "Oral Law" was passed from mouth to ear generation after
generation until it was finally written down by Abraham, the patriarch.
He is considered the original author of the "Sefer Yetzirah" who wrote
the book upon his conversion from idol worshipper to the religion of the
True Gd.
According to a statement in "Rokeah (Hasidut Zakuyyut 'Arum),"
at age 48, Abraham was moved by the deeds of the generation of the Tower
of Babel to reflect on Gd and the universe. He first studied for three
years by himself,. Afterwards, by the command of Gd, he was taught by
Shem, until he became so wise he composed the "Sefer Yetzirah".
Then Gd appeared to him, took him unto Himself, kissed him,
called him His friend, and made a covenant with him and his descendants
forever. ("Legend of Jews", Ginsburg, 210 "Sefer Yetzirah" 6.)
The "tradition" (Qabala) was then passed down orally to his sons, then to:
- Jeremiah, who passed it on to
- Joseph b. Uziel, who passed it to his son,
- Ben Sira who passed it to his son, Uziel.
- It was transmitted until the sages of
Jerusalem put it to writing at a time when the Jews were at a period of
destruction, sometime in the first or second century AD.
1st Talmudic Passage
The first mention of the creation of a
golem, or an artifical being, is found in the Babylonian Talmud passages
of Sanhedrin 65b, Sanhedrin 66b, tratsie Erubin, p. 63.
"But, alas, your iniquities have separated
between you and your Gd." Sandhedrin 65b, in reference to Isaiah 59:2,
LIX.2. This section is preceded by a discussion on ba'al ob and
conjuring the dead to foretell the future.
"Raba said: If the righteousness desired it, they could [by
living a life of asbolute purity], be creators, for it is written, 'But
your iniquities have distinguished between, etc.' (ed. ibid to above
quote. Raba understands mabadilim in the sense of "draw a distinction."
2nd Talmudic Passage
"For Rava once created a man (ed. by means
of "Sefer Yetzirah"*) and sent him to Rav (Z'era) Zira (Zeira) (Sira??)
Rabbi Z'era spoke to him, but received no answer. The man, being unable
to reply when spoken to, the Rabbi said to him,
'Thou art a creature of the company
(initiated in the mysteries of necromancy) (ed. in Sanhadrin
"magicians") ("You are [coming] from the Pietists) return to thy dust.' "
Next: Sefer Yetzirah Time Line. Travel across history year by year of important events in the history of Sefer Yetzirah the Kabbah.
© 2007-2011 Bob Zucker. All rights reserved. . No part may be copied, reproduced, republished or
digitally stored without permission from author.
My Top Choice Sefer Yetzirah Books
Kabbalah and Astral Projection Books by Author Robert E. Zucker
Download free Sample PDFs of two books recently published. Purchase full copies on
Kabbalah's Secret Circles
reveals the hundreds of legends and complete history of the Kabbalah,
Jewish Mysticism,the golem, and instructions to create the Kabbalah
Wheel, a unique way to rotate the 231 Gates from the Sefer Yetzirah,
Book of Creation. Download a free PDF sample.
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"Twilight of Consciousness:
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experiences. Download a free sample PDF.
The authoritative text on the study of
the "Sefer Yetzirah" or Book of Formantion (Book of Creation). Kaplan's
explanations are easy to understand and make sense. A must have manual
for anyone ready to decifer this ancient manuscript.
• Paperback: 398 pages
• Publisher: Weiser Books; Rev Sub edition (May 1997)
• Language: English
by R. A. Gilbert (Foreword),
Arthur Edward Waite (Editor, Introduction),
Knut Stenring (Translator)
Stenring has made a word-for-word
translation from several texts, choosing only those parts which he
believed to be authentic. He reveals the text’s secrets in his diagrams,
tables, and extensive notes. His "Master Key to the Theoretical and
Practical Kabala" is a diagram of the correspondences between the
English and Hebrew alphabets and is not found in other translations of
the Sepher Yetzirah. Also unique in this translation is Stenring’s
assignment of certain tarot cards to the paths on the Tree of Life.
Several authors have done this before, but Stenring asserts that he
arrived at his correspondences on his own. The introduction by Waite
surveys the historical background of the Sepher Yetzirah translations
and the import of this foundational Kabbalistic text.
About the Author
R. A. Gilbert's foreword provides background information on
Waite's interest and involvement with Stenring's translation.
Knut Stenring was a Swedish Hebrew scholar. He published this work in 1923.
by W. Wynn Westcott (Author)
A selection from INTRODUCTION: The
"Sepher Yetzirah," or "Book of Formation," is perhaps the oldest
Rabbinical treatise of Kabalistic philosophy which is still extant. The
great interest which has been evinced of 1ate years in the Hebrew
Kabalah, and the modes of thought and doctrine allied to it, has induced
me to translate this tractate from the original Hebrew texts, and to
collate with them the Latin versions of authorities; and I
have also published An Introduction to the Kabalah which may be found
useful to students. Three important books of the "Zohar," or "Book of
Splendour," which is a great storehouse of Kabalistic teaching, have
been translated into English by S. L. MacGregor Mathers, and the "Sepher
Yetzirah" in an English translation is almost a necessary companion to
these abstruse disquisitions: the two books indeed mutually explain each
Sepher Yetzirah (Paperback: 48 pages). Publisher: Kessinger Publishing (December 30, 2005). Language: English
Sepher Yetzirah (Kindle)
(Format: Kindle Edition). File Size: 226 KB. Print Length: 112 pages.
Publisher: Oak Grove (March 20, 2008). Sold by: Amazon Digital
by Charles F. Horne (Editor)
Paperback: 48 pages
Publisher: Kessinger Publishing (December 30, 2005)
Language: English