Abulafia's Mystical Letter Combination Techniques
Abulafia’s Kabalistic writings span from 1273 through 1291. He often mentioned Rabbi Eleazar’s works on Kabbalah and the SEFER YETZIRAH frequently. About 1285, Abulafia wrote OTZAR EDEN GANUZ (THE HIDDEN TREASURE OF EDEN) with a lengthy discussion the SEFER YETZIRAH. Abulafia was interested in the techniques to achieve ecstatic experiences, but not in the creation of a golem, per se. He borrowed the techniques of letter combination from the Ashkenazi Chasidim and meditative techniques from Moses Maimonides. Abulafia was a student of Turkish Cantor Baruch Togarmi who wrote an elaborate commentary on SEFER YETZIRAH. Togarmi practiced Tzeruf (letter combinations) using the three methods of Kabbalah– Gematria, Notarikon and Temurah. Togarmi was most interested in the numerical manipulations of Hebrew words and the Holy Name, as explained in THIS IS THE BOOK OF THE KEYS OF KABBALAH, ACCORDING TO BARUKH TOGARMI, CANTOR, a popular handbook among his disciples. “It is necessary that one also learn the names of all the letters. Know that in our language, the name of each letter begins with the letter itself [i.e. the first letter of each letter-name is the letter itself],” Abulafia wrote. Combining one letter with another to create a specific word is a deliberate act. Each word in the Hebrew alphabet was formed with serious deliberation and agreement among rabbis. One example he gives are the letters L and F (? ?), when combined with A (?) to produce the word for Aleph (???). In the SEFER YETZIRAH, the letter Aleph is the ‘king’ over the breath. Abulafia calls his “science of the combination of letters” (Hochmah ha-Tzeruf), a methodical guide to meditation with the aid of letters and their configurations. This method utilizes letters in a certain manner to attain the divine language. Abulafia explains that “…that the method of tzeruf can be compared to music; for the ear hears sounds from various combinations, in accordance with the character of the melody and the instrument.” The continuous, monotonous repetition of letters and sounds excites the mind, rather than dulls it. This is done in combination with various bodily and breathing techniques. Abulafia agreed with R. Yaqaar that there are two stages in the creation process: the combinations of the alphabets and the combinations of the letters of the Divine Name The meditation upon the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, in combination with themselves and the Divine Name, can produce ecstatic experiences, according to Abulafia. Abulafia explains that there are three stages of letter permutation. These three levels are similar to the three levels of the sephiroth in Chapter 1 of the SEFER YETZIRAH.
One was called “Skipping,” (dillug) the free association of ideas when using any single one of the several standard methods of letter manipulation– such as simple letter permutation, creating ciphers, and gematria. When working within the same system (such as gematria), one is “skipping.” When several methods are used together, it is called “jumping.” Each of these meditative techniques lead to a high level of enlightenment. Abulafia says, “one must completely alter his nature and personality, transporting himself from the state of feeling to intellect, from the path of imagination to one of burning fire. Otherwise, he will find his visions altered, his thought processes demolished, and his reveries confounded.” Abulafia instructs one to start by writing (MIKJTAV) each of the sacred letters. Gather speed as you permutate them, speaking each combination (MIVTA). As you contemplate (MASHAV) on the different combination results, you will begin to feel a warm, glowing sensation at the heart. This is the sign of the descending sheaf or the “divine influx.” Singing certain names according to the prescribed melodies will attain ecstasy with some sensations of air, heat, rushing water, or oil, as described by Merkabah mystics. One practice of this extraordinary form of contemplation is to study a biblical phrase until the rational meaning is lost. In the disorientation following the repeated pronunciation of new meaningless phrase comes “meaning beyond meaning.” Combined with specific breathing techniques and contemplation of body centers meditation on the letters produces ecstasy almost immediately. Another meditative technique that Abulafia uses to spin the Gates and gain enlightenment also was linked the creation of the golem. “At the beginning of the [act of] formation [yetzirah], the person has to be acquainted with the quality of the weight [tuv ha-mishqal], the combination [tzeruf] and the variation [hillut].” To accomplish this, one has to be familiar with the Hebrew alphabet, the combination techniques of the Hebrew letters, and how to construct the 231 Gates. Abulafia then instructs to “Turn the wheel in the middle, and begin to combine until the two hundred and thirty-one gates [are computed], and [then] he will receive the influx of wisdom. When he receives the influx, let him [then] recite speedily the circle of velocity, which is the divine spirit.” The golem was activated by the mystical combinations of letters, with the inscription of the Hebrew letters ??? (A-M-T), or “truth,” on its forehead. When the Aleph (?) is removed, the Hebrew word spells ?? MeT which means “dead.” When that act is done, the creature would collapse. Abulafia continues: “He has to be very cautious not to change a letter or a vowel from its place because the limb created by the means of this letter will change its natural place in your body... Know that there are three issues created in man...the head, created out of fire...the belly [created out of] water...and the torso [created out of] wind [ruach].” There is an organic affinity between the letters and vital organs so that the proper pronunciation of the order of letters is strictly necessary, Abulafia emphasizes. The pronunciation of the letters is accompanied by imaging the limbs corresponding to these letters. Along with self-contemplation while the letters are being recited to each of the limbs. Some of the dozens of Kabbalistic books authored by, or attributed to, Abulafia that I recommend these books which are available on Amazon.com. The links open in a new window to keep your place here.
Read more about Abraham Abulafia and "Chaye Ha Olam HaBa.
Books on Abraham AbulafiaNow Available on Amazon.com and internationally Read selections from the new book by author Robert E. Zucker, "Kabbalah's Secret Circles," examines the practices, literature and history of Jewish mysticism, Kabbalah and the Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation). Discover the many lost and forgotten secrets of the Kabbalah through the words of famous Rabbi’s and authors throughout history. Follow a historical time line of Judaic mysticism and understand some of the basic principles of the Kabbalah and Cabalah. Devise your own Kabbalah Wheel to spin the legendary 231 Gates of combinations and permutations, as described in the ancient book on Jewish mysticism– the Sepher Yetzirah.
For more information on this Kabbalah book, contact author Robert Zucker. These books are available on Amazon.com about Abraham Abulafia. So you don't lose your place, these links open in a new window.
If you have an interest in this book or would like to request a copy of "Kabbalah's Secret Circle," please email bob@emol.org. Robert Zucker, Arizona, USA. Chayye Ha Olam HaBa IndexCopyright by Robert Zucker © 2007-2016 No part may be copied, reproduced, republished or digitally stored without permission from author. |